Diabetes May be Caused by Bugs on Your Skin


A new study may have uncovered how obesity leads to diabetes — and it has to do with the bugs that live in and on your body.

Obese people have different bacteria colonies on their bodies than healthy-weight people, say researchers. Now, a newstudy in the journal mBio indicates these bacteria colonies could be one factor in the metabolic changes and chronic inflammation that lead to diabetes.

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A Vegan Diet May Help With Diabetes Pain


For those who experience a painful side effect of type 2 diabetes, here’s some hope.

A low-fat vegan diet may help people with type 2 diabetesreduce physical pain related to the condition, suggests a small new study.

“This new study gives a ray of hope for a condition where there are no other good treatments,” said Dr. Neal Barnard, the study’s lead author and president of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, a non-profit organization that promotes a vegan diet, preventive medicine, and alternatives to animal research.

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