12 Energy Boosting Foods For Any Time of Day


Sometimes the right snack can make all the difference. So what’s the best thing to eat after a workout? Or before a long meeting? Or a stressful family reunion? We enlisted nutrition guru Lisa R. Young, adjunct professor at NYU and author of The Portion Teller Plan, to prescribe the right foods can help get your through just about anything.

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You Should Drink Coffee for the Most Energy



It may seem like getting a morning caffeine burst is just as easy as sipping that iced latte. But it turns out there is a real art to getting the absolute most productive energy from that cup. And this new AsapSCIENCE video is here to explain it all.

As the video says, it all comes down to your circadian rhythms, which are heavily influenced by sunlight. One part of this is the cyclical release of cortisol, sometimes known as the “stress hormone” — but it’s not all bad. It also helps keep you alert. We naturally reach our peak cortisol levels between about 8 and 9 a.m. and then again at noon, meaning we get a natural burst of alertness during those times.

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