10 Worst Diet Mistakes Experts Say You’re Making


Your diet is going to fail.

Hey, don’t call us pessimists: We’re just going with the smart money. About 5 out of every 6 dieters—85 percent—either don’t lose weight, or put it all back on (and more) within three years, according to a review of a whopping 898 different weight-loss studies. Like the White Sox’s season or Robin Thicke’s career, most of our best-laid diet plans are already on a hopeless downward spiral.

But the reasons why we so often fail are not only identifiable—they’re avoidable.You can actually beat the overwhelming odds—dropping pounds rapidly and keeping them off for good—if you simply learn to sidestep the 10 weight-loss landmines that blow up the waistlines of so many other well-intentioned dieters. Eat This, Not That! magazine reached out to leading nutrition experts from around the country—registered dieticians who work with clients on a daily basis—to uncover the diet mistakes they see most often, and get their simple secrets for making weight loss work.

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“Skipping meals or under-eating is the most common mistake I see among clients,” says Carlene Thomas, RDN, author of The Wedding Wellness Workbook. That just leads to binge eating, or a body that refuses to shed weight because it’s afraid a famine is coming. Instead, “start your day strong with a protein- and veggie-rich breakfast— something all Americans need to work on—and have a plan for lunch. Find a go-to healthy item to order, or pack your own.” Greek yogurt is a fantastic option when hunger strikes. Avoid the sugar-packed yogurts in the dairy aisle with this Eat This, Not That!

Weight loss isn’t just about calories; reducing inflammation through proper nutrition allows your body to shed the fat it’s storing. “It’s important to have overall health as the main goal,” says Andy Bellatti, MS, RD, of Dietitians for Professional Integrity. “I see people focusing on calories above all else and, often times, favoring highly processed, minimally nutritious foods—such as pretzels, fat-free Cool Whip, baked chips—over healthier whole foods that may be more caloric, but are nutritious and filling, like almonds or avocados.”

Sticking to your diet 75 percent of the time is a pretty good track record. But too many of us think that’s a fail. “People tend to set big, monstrous goals that would be hard for even the most disciplined person to achieve. Things like ‘cut out all sugar’ or ‘go to the gym every day,’” says Sally Kuzemchak, MS, RD, author of Cooking Light Dinnertime Survival Guide. “It feels awful to ‘fail’ at a goal, even if that goal was impossible. But it feels fantastic to achieve a goal, even if it’s very small. So instead of vowing to ‘go the gym every day,’ set a goal that seems (on paper at least) almost too easy—like doing a once- or twice-weekly workout. Do that for a few weeks until it’s routine.”

“Often times, people will go ‘on’ a diet and swear they’ll never eat their favorite foods ever again. No more birthday cakes, cookies, pizza, alcohol, etc.,” says Christopher Mohr, PhD, RD, nutrition consultant at Mohr Results. But that just sets us up for failure. “The second you eat one thing that’s on your ‘never eat again’ list, you’re completely off track, think there’s no hope and beat yourself up. Diets are not all-or-nothing. Want sweets? Great, enjoy them—not an entire sleeve of cookies or pint of ice cream, just a portion; then put them away.”

“The mistake I see most is setting overly ambitious weight loss goals,” says Lauren Slayton MS, RD, author of The Little Book of Thin and founder of Foodtrainers. “It’s not unrealistic to think you can lose 8 or 10 pounds in a month. But that doesn’t mean you’ll lose 2 pounds a week like clockwork.” Weight loss often comes in fits and starts, often hitting plateaus before picking up again. Set modest goals long-term goals that you think you can beat, rather than strict weekly goals. “Success breeds success!” says Slayton. “Set your goal slightly lower and let yourself feel like you hit it.” To jumpstart your weight-loss success and see results fast, try our brand new weight-loss plan,  Test panelists lost up to 10 pounds in just one week!

“Weight loss isn’t about willpower, it’s about having a plan and enlisting support,” says Lori Zanini, RD, CDE, spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. “I encourage my clients to plan their meals in advance (before hunger or cravings), identify a friend or family member to support their healthy habits, and enlist the expert help of a registered dietitian and other healthcare providers as needed.”

“Cut the crap! Stock your kitchen with only healthy options. It makes the healthy choice not just the easy choice, but the only one,” says Claudia Zapata, MS, RDN, blogger at ClaudiaZapata.com. In fact, when you stock healthy foods and have a plan for using them—as opposed to wandering into your kitchen when you’re hungry and improvising—your chances of success skyrocket. Start your kitchen detox today with this essential.

Even if you’re single and sharing an apartment with roommates, in many ways you’re a slave to your surroundings. “If you don’t change the food environment for the whole household, it’s easy to fall back into old patterns. It’s not fun to watch other people eat takeout pizza when you’re eating a microwave diet dinner,” says Debra Riedesel RD, LD, creator of TheCycleDiet.com. “You have to cook ‘real food’ for the entire family.”

We all have emotional triggers that cause us to do unhealthy things—drinking, couch surfing, stalking exes on Instagram—and those triggers can cause us to abandon our healthy diets, as well. “Stay alert to an emotional set-up,” warns Tammy Beasley, RDN, CEDRD, LD, creator of the RevItUP! for Life program. “If you have had a bad day at work, argument with a loved one, or are just feeling blue, expect that your emotions may try to convince you to take a detour from your healthy roadmap.” Being aware of those feelings is more than half of the battle; have an alternative activity or plan mapped out—and stock your pantry .

You can’t give up sugar, and alcohol, and fried foods, and Dancing with the Stars all in one fell swoop. So don’t try. “Instead of trying to change all bad habits at once,” advises Keri Gans, RDN, author of The Small Change Diet, “a person can be way more successful if she tries to tackle one at time. Commit to one, get used to it, see results, then move on to another.”

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